Antonyms – Opposite Words (A-Z)

Antonyms and Synonyms are vital to speak English. English Vocabulary is essential for every English learner. It’s necessary to learn more and more words. Antonyms are also known as opposite words. Antonyms play a crucial role in English speaking, writing, etc.

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What are Antonyms ? – Examples

Antonyms are two or more words having the opposite meanings.

Examples :


List of Antonyms (400 Opposite words)

  1. Accept – Reject
  2. Absence – Presence
  3. Alive – Dead
  4. Allow – Disallow
  5. Appear – Disappear
  6. Arrival – Departure
  7. Agree – Differ
  8. Attach – Detach
  9. Always – Never
  10. Active – Inactive
  11. Admire – Despise
  12. Advantage – Disadvantage
  13. Awareness – Ignorance
  14. Ascend – Descend
  15. Angel – Devil
  16. Attack – Defend
  17. Attentive – Inattentive
  18. Ancient – Modern
  19. Abandon – Retain
  20. Assemble – Disperse
  21. Abnormal – Normal
  22. Begin – Finish
  23. Beautiful – Ugly
  24. Back – Front
  25. Bad – Good
  26. Believe – Disbelieve
  27. Careful – Careless
  28. Cause – Effect
  29. Care – Neglect
  30. Celebrated – Unknown
  31. Cheerful – Sad
  32. Certain – Uncertain
  33. Cease – Commence
  34. Complete – Incomplete
  35. Connect – Disconnect
  36. Cheap – Expensive
  37. Decrease – Increase
  38. Dark – Light
  39. Death – Birth
  40. Decline – Accept
  41. Defend – Attack
  42. Demise – Birth
  43. Definite – Indefinite
  44. Defy – Obey
  45. Demolish – Build
  46. Degrade – Upgrade
  47. Defeat – Victory
  48. Decent – Indecent
  49. Dawn – Dusk
  50. Daring – Cowardly
  51. Easy – Difficult
  52. Efficient – Inefficient
  53. Empty – Full
  54. Enough – Insufficient
  55. Enter – Depart
  56. Entrance – Exit
  57. Enjoyable – Unpleasant
  58. Endless – Limited
  59. Employed – Unemployed
  60. Eminent – Unimportant
  61. Edible – Inedible
  62. Eligible – Ineligible
  63. Enlarge – Reduce
  64. Educated – Uneducated
  65. False – True
  66. Faith – Distrust
  67. Few – Many
  68. Famous – Unknown
  69. Feeble – Strong
  70. Failure – Success
  71. Finish – Start
  72. Familiar – Strange
  73. Far – Near
  74. Fake – Authentic
  75. Fair – Ugly
  76. Faithful – Unfaithful
  77. Fruitful – Fruitless
  78. Float – Sink
  79. Ferocious – Gentle
  80. Flexible – Inflexible
  81. Fertile – Barren
  82. Fearful – Bold
  83. Fat – Thin
  84. Glad – Unhappy
  85. Gain – Loss
  86. High – Low
  87. Happy – Sad
  88. Harmful – Harmless
  89. Hide – Disclose
  90. Hazardous – Safe
  91. Hard – Soft
  92. Honest – Dishonest
  93. Hideous – Beautiful
  94. Hold – Release
  95. Heat – Cold
  96. Important – Unimportant
  97. Impossible – Possible
  98. Illegal – Legal
  99. Illegible – Legible
  100. Imprison – Release
  101. Innocent – Guilty
  102. Idle – Industrious
  103. Imaginary – Real
  104. Ill – Well
  105. Immortal – Mortal
  106. Impudent – Polite
  107. Inadequate – Adequate
  108. Kind – Unkind
  109. Keep – Abandon
  110. Knowledge – Ignorance
  111. Known – Unknown
  112. Lazy – Industrious
  113. Lend – Borrow
  114. Large – Small
  115. Lifeless – Alive
  116. Lock – Unlock
  117. Link – Detach
  118. Life – Death
  119. Lucky – Unlucky
  120. Late – Early
  121. Legal – Illegal
  122. Like – Dislike
  123. Literate – Illiterate
  124. Little – Large
  125. Mature – Immature
  126. Married – Unmarried
  127. Male – Female
  128. Minimum – Maximum
  129. Make – Destroy
  130. Majority – Minority
  131. Main – Subsidiary
  132. Minimize – Maximize
  133. Near – Far
  134. Nothing – Something
  135. Necessary – Unnecessary
  136. Normal – Abnormal
  137. Narrow – Wide
  138. Natural – Unnatural
  139. Neglect – Care
  140. Never – Always
  141. New – Old
  142. Open – Shut
  143. Obey – Disobey
  144. Often – Seldom
  145. Obedient – Disobedient
  146. Old – Young
  147. Omit – Add
  148. Order – Disorder
  149. Ordinary – Extraordinary
  150. Paradise – Hell
  151. Poor – Wealthy
  152. Praise – Criticise
  153. Pause – Continue
  154. Partial – Complete
  155. Pleasure – Displeasure
  156. Polite – Impolite
  157. Physical – Mental
  158. Possible – Impossible
  159. Reply – Ask
  160. Repair – Break
  161. Remote – Near
  162. Recent – Old
  163. Receive – Send
  164. Rare – Common
  165. Raise – Lower
  166. Recover – Lose
  167. Remember – Forget
  168. Regular – Irregular
  169. Reduce – Increase
  170. Renowned – Unknown
  171. Rear – Front
  172. Real – Unreal
  173. Rapid – Slow
  174. Responsible – Irresponsible
  175. Ready – Unprepared
  176. Sad – Happy
  177. Same – Different
  178. Satisfaction – Dissatisfaction
  179. Secondary – Primary
  180. Sell – Purchase
  181. Shallow – Profound
  182. Simple – Complicated
  183. Sorrow – Joy
  184. Slim – Fat
  185. Successful – Unsuccessful
  186. Tidy – Untidy
  187. Tall – Short
  188. Take – Give
  189. Understand – Misunderstand
  190. Use – Misuse
  191. Valid – Invalid
  192. Visible – Invisible
  193. Vacant – Full
  194. Vanish – Appear
  195. Young – Old
  196. Wise – Stupid
  197. Warm – Cold
  198. Worried – Unconcerned
  199. Whole – Part
  200. Win – Lose

Related Contents :

1. Synonyms
2. Homophones
3. Phrasal Verbs

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