Sentence : Definition, Examples, Types

What is a Sentence ? Examples

When two or more words sit side by side to give us a complete idea, it is called a sentence. It is a combination of words that gives us a complete and logical idea about someone or something. A sentence must have a proper order of words and a clear meaning.

Some examples of sentences :

1. I am a student.
2. Open the door.
3. What is your name ?


  • “I am a student.” is a sentence. It is formed by combining four words. In this sentence, ‘I’, ‘am’, ‘a’, and ‘student’ are words.
  • “Open the door.” is a sentence. It is formed by combining three words. In this sentence, ‘Open’, ‘the’, and ‘door’ are words.
  • “What is your name?” is a sentence. It is formed by combining four words. In this sentence, ‘What’, ‘is’, ‘your’ and ‘name’ are words.

Definitions of SENTENCE :

  1. A group of words that makes a complete sense is called a sentence. – Wren & Martin
  2. A combination of words that makes a complete sense is called a sentence. – J. C. Nesfield
  3. A word or a group of words having a clear meaning in a given context is called a sentence. – P. C. Das

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Single-worded Sentences, Multi-worded Sentences

In Modern Grammar,
Single-worded sentences and verbless sentences are acceptable.

  • Single-worded sentences contain only one word.
  • Multi-worded sentences contain more than one word.
  • A verbless sentence is a type of sentence that doesn’t contain any verb.

For example,
Father : Will you go to school tomorrow ?
Son : Yes.
Father : All right.

Here, “Will you go to school tomorrow?” is a Multi-worded sentence. “Yes” is a single-worded sentence. “All right” is a Verbless sentence.

Single-worded sentences : Example

Some examples of single-worded sentences :
Assertive sentences :
Certainly, Impossible, Yes, No, etc.
Imperative sentences :
Go, Come, Stop, Look, Wait, etc.
Exclamatory sentences :
Hurrah!, Bravo! etc.

Sentences with Verb and Sentences without Verb

In written form of English, we usually use sentences having a group of words with verbs. But, in spoken English, we often use a single word as a sentence or a verbless group of words as a sentence.

  1. Sentence with Verb
    What’s your name?
    Sentence without Verb / Verbless sentence
    Name, please.
  2. Sentence with Verb
    Please show me your ticket.
    Sentence without Verb / Verbless sentence
    Ticket, please.

“Will you go there?” is a sentence with a verb. “Why?” is a sentence without verb.

A multi-worded sentence must have a proper order of words for clear meaning.
For example,
“Play football I.” doesn’t have the proper order of words. So, we can’t consider it as a sentence. As “I play football.” have a proper order of words, it is a sentence.

How many types of sentences are there based on function ?

Sentences can be classified into five types based on their function :

  1. Assertive Sentence
    Example : I play football.
  2. Interrogative Sentence
    Example : What’s your name?
  3. Imperative Sentence
    Example : Open the door.
  4. Optative Sentence
    Example : May God bless you.
  5. Exclamatory Sentence
    Example : Hurrah! We have won the match.

How many types of sentences are there based on structure ?

There are three different kinds of sentences in English grammar based on structure and they are as follows :

  1. Simple Sentence
  2. Complex Sentence
  3. Compound Sentence


Q1. What type of sentence is “What is your name?” ?

“What’s your name ?” is an interrogative sentence.

Q2. What type of sentence is “Open the door?” ?

“Open the door” is an imperative sentence.

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