100 Most Important Collective Nouns in English Grammar

What is a Collective Noun ?

A collective noun is a noun that refers to a group of people, things, animals, etc. Some examples of Collective Nouns are army, bunch, band, bundle, brood, bouquet, batch, bale, bench, bevy, board, crowd, chain, class, crew, colony, clump, cluster, flock, fleet, forest, group, galaxy, gang, herd, hive, litter, pack, pair, panel, series, shoal, swarm, school, troupe, troop, team, etc.

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100 Most Important Examples of Collective Nouns

  1. An army of soldiers
  2. A bunch of grapes
  3. A bunch of keys
  4. A bundle of sticks
  5. A bouquet of flowers
  6. A band of musicians
  7. A brood of chickens
  8. A bundle of clothes
  9. A bundle of rags
  10. A board of directors
  11. A battalion of soldiers
  12. A batch of students
  13. A bale of cotton
  14. A bench of judges
  15. A bevy of ladies
  16. A board of trustees
  17. A bundle of pencils
  18. A band of pilgrims
  19. A bunch of bananas
  20. A bale of hay
  21. A crowd of people
  22. A chain of events
  23. A class of students
  24. A crew of sailors
  25. A colony of ants
  26. A colony of bats
  27. A crowd of passengers
  28. A crowd of onlookers
  29. A crowd of spectators
  30. A clump of trees
  31. A cluster of stars
  32. A fleet of ships
  33. A flock of birds
  34. A flight of birds
  35. A flock of camels
  36. A flock of chickens
  37. A flock of pigeons
  38. A flock of parrots
  39. A flock of ducks
  40. A flock of geese
  41. A flock of gulls
  42. A forest of trees
  43. A fleet of boats
  44. A flock of sheep
  45. A group of people
  46. A group of islands
  47. A grove of trees
  48. A galaxy of stars
  49. A gang of thieves
  50. A gang of robbers
  51. A gang of criminals
  52. A galaxy of talents
  53. A herd of cattle
  54. A herd of elephants
  55. A herd of goats
  56. A herd of zebras
  57. A herd of horses
  58. A herd of oxen
  59. A herd of pigs
  60. A herd of buffaloes
  61. A herd of cows
  62. A herd of deer
  63. A herd of donkeys
  64. A hive of bees
  65. A litter of kittens
  66. A litter of puppies
  67. A library of books
  68. A pack of hounds
  69. A pair of shoes
  70. A pile of books
  71. A pack of rogues
  72. A pack of dogs
  73. A pack of cards
  74. A panel of experts
  75. A panel of judges
  76. A pile of sand
  77. A pile of rubbish
  78. A pride of lions
  79. A pack of lies
  80. A pack of wolves
  81. A regiment of soldiers
  82. A range of mountains
  83. A series of events
  84. A shoal of fish
  85. A swarm of bees
  86. A swarm of flies
  87. A swarm of butterflies
  88. A swarm of insects
  89. A shoal of herrings
  90. A set of bowls
  91. A set of tools
  92. A school of fish
  93. A string of pearls
  94. A series of misfortunes
  95. A stack of bricks
  96. A stack of boxes
  97. A team of players
  98. A team of athletes
  99. A troupe of acrobats
  100. A troop of soldiers


What is the collective noun for students?

The collective nouns for students are class, cohort, batch, etc.
For example, a class of students, a batch of students, a cohort of students.

What is the collective noun for teachers?

The collective noun for teachers is faculty.
For example, a faculty of teachers.

What is the collective noun for trees?

The collective nouns for trees are grove, forest, orchard, etc.
For example, a groves of trees, a forest of trees, an orchard of fruit trees.

What is the collective noun for cars?

The collective noun for cars is fleet.
For example, a fleet of cars.

What is the collective noun for stairs?

The collective noun for stairs is flight.
For example, a flight of stairs.

What is the collective noun for books?

The collective noun for books is pile.
For example, a pile of books.

What is the collective noun for musicians?

The collective noun for musicians is band.
For example, a band of musicians.

What is the collective noun for tools?

The collective noun for tools is set.
For example, a set of tools.

What is the collective noun of dancers?

The collective noun for dancers is troupe.
For example, a troupe of dancers.

What is the collective noun for sailors?

The collective noun for sailors is crew.
For example, a crew of sailors.

What is the collective noun for mountains?

The collective noun for mountains is range.
For example, a range of mountains.

What is the collective noun of directors?

The collective noun for directors is board.
For example, a board of directors.

What is the collective noun for pictures?

The collective nouns for pictures are album, and gallery.
For example, an album of pictures, a gallery of pictures.

What is the collective noun for grapes?

The collective noun for grapes is bunch.
For example, a bunch of grapes.

What is the collective noun for cotton?

The collective noun for cotton is bale.
For example, a bale of cotton.

What is the collective for clothes?

The collective noun for clothes is bundle.
For example, a bundle of clothes.

What is the collective for kittens?

The collective noun for kittens is litter.
For example, a litter of kittens.

What is the collective noun for sheep?

The collective noun for sheep is flock.
For example, a flock of sheep.

What is the collective noun for rags?

The collective noun for rags is bundle, heap, etc.
For example, a bundle of rags, a heap of rags.

What is the collective noun for puppies?

The collective noun for puppies is litter.
For example, a litter of puppies.

What is the collective noun for cattle?

The collective noun for cattle is herd.
For example, a herd of cattle.

What is the collective of oxen?

The collective nouns for oxen are team, herd, etc.
For example, a team of oxen, a herd of oxen.

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