Phrasal Verbs with RUN – English Vocabulary

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11 Vital Phrasal Verbs with RUN

  1. Run away
  2. Run after
  3. Run over
  4. Run out
  5. Run on
  6. Run into
  7. Run away with
  8. Run down
  9. Run across
  10. Run at
  11. Run off

1. Run away – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Escape
  • Flee
  • Suddenly leave

Sentences :
1. The thief ran away from the prison.
2. The girl ran away from home.

2. Run after – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Chase

Sentences :
1. The police ran after the thief.
2. He ran after fame but did not get any.
3. The villagers ran after the robbers.
4. Two pedestrians ran after the pickpocket.
5. Don’t run after riches.

3. Run over – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Crush
  • Smash
  • Knock down
  • Overflow

Sentences :
1. The car ran over a dog.
2. The old man was run over by a car.
3. The bus ran over an old passer-by.
4. The water of the river ran over its bank.

4. Run out – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Become exhausted
  • Come to an end

Sentences :
1. Her patience is running out.
2. His days were running out rapidly.
3. The whole stock ran out within a week.

5. Run on – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Continue
  • Elapse

Sentence :
1. The troubles will run on for a few days.
2. This work ran on for many years.

6. Run into – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Fall into
  • To be involved in
  • Encounter

Sentences :
1. She ran into danger.
2. He ran into heavy debts.
3. A foolish young man has run into debts.
4. He ran into debt when his business fell.

7. Run away with – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Steal something and carry it away

Sentences :
1. My servant ran away with my watch.
2. The thief ran away with all the valuables.
3. The robbers managed to run away with gold ornaments and cash.

8. Run down – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Deteriorate
  • Lose power or stop functioning

Sentences :
1. The battery of my car has run down.
2. Her health ran down.

9. Run across – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Meet suddenly

Sentences :
1. I often run across my school teachers.
2. I ran across him in the street.

10. Run at – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Attack

Sentences :
1. The dog ran at the hare.
2. The cat ran at the rat.

11. Run off – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Escape

Sentences :
1. The stag ran off into the forest.
2. The thief saw me and ran off.
3. The man ran off with my luggage.

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