Gender in English Grammar

Gender in English Grammar : Masculine, Feminine, Common and Neuter Gender

In English Grammar, Gender is classified into four categories. Masculine Gender: Definition, Example Definition Examples Some examples of Masculine Gender :Boy, Father, Son, King, Lion, He, Man, Husband, Uncle, etc Feminine Gender: Definition, Example Definition Examples Some examples of Feminine Gender :Girl, Mother, Daughter, Queen, Lioness, She, Woman, Wife, Aunt, etc. Common Gender: Definition, Example … Read more

Transitive and Intransitive Verb : Definition, Examples

Transitive verb - Intransitive verb - Object

Transitive Verb : Definition, Examples A verb that takes an object is called a Transitive Verb. A transitive verb is a verb that requires one or more objects to complete its meaning. For example, Intransitive Verb : Definition, Examples A verb that doesn’t take an object is called an Intransitive Verb. An intransitive verb is … Read more

Verbs that have the same Present (V1), past (V2), and past participle form (V3)

Verbs that have the same present (v1), past (v2), and past participle (v3)

There are some verbs that have the same Present form (V1), past form (V2), and past participle form (V3). For example, “Read” is a verb. Present, past, and past participle forms of “Read” are “Read”. Only the pronunciation of past (v2) and past participle (v3) forms are different from the present form (v1) of “Read”. … Read more

Alphabet : Letters : Vowels : Consonants : Semi-vowels

Alphabet, Letter, Vowel, Consonant, and Semi-Vowel are common terms to us. There are 26 letters in English alphabet. What is Alphabet in the English grammar? In English grammar, an alphabet is a set of letters. It includes 26 letters (A – Z). All 26 letters together are called the Alphabet. How many letters are there … Read more