125 Pairs Most Important Homophones in English

In Homophones, Homographs and Homonyms, there are three things that play the most important role. These are Pronunciation, Spelling, and Meaning.

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What are Homophones ?

Homophones are two or more words having the same (almost same) pronunciation but different meanings, and spelling.

Examples :
Week – Weak
Dear – Deer

In the first pair,
“Week” means “A period of 7 days”
“Weak” means “Feeble”
Here, Meanings and Spellings are different. Only pronunciations are the same.

In Homophones,
Pronunciations – Same
Spellings – Different
Meanings – Different

125 Pairs Most important Homophones in English (Homophones List : A – Z)

1. Advice - Advise

2. Accept - Except

3. Access - Excess

4. Affect - Effect

5. Addition - Edition

6. Altar - Alter

7. Ate - Eight

8. Ascent - Assent

9. Adapt - Adopt

10. Air - Heir

11. Ad - Add

12. All - Awl

13. Aural - Oral

14. Amend - Emend

15. Be - Bee

16. Bare - Bear

17. Birth - Berth

18. Beside - Besides

19. Boar - Bore

20. Ball - Bawl

21. Beet - Beat

22. Buy - By - Bye

23. Break - Brake

24. Cease - Seize

25. Cast - Caste

26. Career - Carrier

27. Check - Cheque

28. Cite - Sight

29. Course - Coarse

30. Complement - Compliment

31. Council - Counsel

32. Dew - Due

33. Desert - Dessert

34. Decease - Disease

35. Defer - Differ

36. Deference - Difference

37. Die - Dye

38. Dual - Duel

39. Dear - Deer

40. Dependent - Defendant

41. Eminent - Imminent

42. Expand - Expend

43. Extant - Extent

44. Emigrant - Immigrant

45. Eye - I

46. Earn - Urn

47. Eligible - Illegible

48. Fair - Fare

49. Farm - Firm

50. Flower - Flour

51. Foul - Fowl

52. For - Four

53. Hair - Here 

54. Hail - Hell

55. Human - Humane

56. Haven - Heaven

57. Holy - Wholly 

58. Heel - Heal

59. Hole - Whole

60. Him - Hymn

61. Hour - Our

62. Idle - Idol

63. Ingenious - Ingenuous

64.  Jealous - Zealous

65. Know - No

66. Knot - Not

67. Loose - Lose

68. Lone - Loan

69. Lightning - Lightening - Lighting

70. Lesson - Lessen

71. Meet - Meat

72. Made - Maid

73. Main - Mane

74. Moral - Morale

75. Morning - Mourning

76. Male - Mail

77. None - Nun

78. Need - Knead

79. Naughty - Knotty

80. Night - Knight

81. Peace - Piece

82. Pity - Piety

83. Pray - Prey

84. Personal - Personnel

85. Principal - Principle

86. President - Precedent

87. Prescribe - Proscribe

88. Profit - Prophet

89. Plane - Plain

90. Peak - Pick

91. Poor - Pour

92. Quite - Quiet

93. Right - Rite

94. Root - Route

95. Rain - Reign

96. Role - Roll

97. Real - Reel

98. Steal - Steel - Still

99. Soul - Sole

100. Sore - Soar

101. Stair - Stare

102. Stalk - Stock

103. Sun - Son

104. Some - Sum

105. Sail - Sale

106. Scene - Seen

107. See - Sea

108. Staff - Stuff

109. There - Their

110. Tail - Tale

111. Tamper - Temper

112. Than - Then

113. To - Two - Too

114. Vain - Vein

115. Vary - Very

116. Warm - Worm

117. Wander - Wonder

118. Wood - Would

119. Weather - Whether

120. Ware - Wear

121. Way - Weigh

122. Wave - Waive

123. Won - One

124. Waste - Waist

125. Weak - Week

What are Homographs ?

Homographs are two or more words having the same spelling, but different pronunciation and different meanings.

In homographs,
Spellings – Same
Pronunciations – Different
Meanings – Different

Examples :
Lead – Lead
Bow – Bow

In the first pair,
First “Lead” is a verb that means “to guide”.
Second “Lead” is a noun which is a chemical element. The symbol of “Lead” is Pb.

What are Homonyms ?

Homonyms are two or more words having the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings.

Examples :
Can – Can
Bat – Bat
Cricket – Cricket
Right – Right
Fly – Fly
Palm – Palm
Kite – Kite

In the first pair,
Spelling and Pronunciation are the same. But Meanings are different. The first “Can” is a modal verb. It is used to show ability. The second “Can” means a container.

In the Second pair,
Spelling and Pronunciation are the same. But Meanings are different. The first “Bat” is a Cricket equipment. The second “Bat” is a mammal that can fly.

In Homonyms,
Spellings – Same
Pronunciations – Same
Meanings – Different

How many homophones are there in the English language ?

There is no exact number of Homophones in the English Language. There are numerous pairs of Homophones in the English language.

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