Phrasal Verbs with “Bring” to speak English

English vocabulary is vital for every English learner. We can use Phrasal verbs for various purposes such as Spoken English, Written English, English Conversation, etc. If we use phrasal verbs in speaking, it sounds better. If we use phrasal verbs in writing, it increases the standard of writing.

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12 Most Important Phrasal Verbs with “Bring”Examples

  1. Bring up
  2. Bring out
  3. Bring down
  4. Bring forth
  5. Bring in
  6. Bring off
  7. Bring through
  8. Bring forward
  9. Bring round
  10. Bring on
  11. Bring back
  12. Bring about

1. Bring up – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Rear

Sentences :
1. I was brought up by my grandmother.

2. She is brought up by her mother.

3. The children were brought up by their parents.

4. The child was brought up by his aunt.

5. As the boy lost his parents at the age of five, he was brought up by his uncle.

6. Mr. Soumya is bringing up his two nephews.

2. Bring out – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Publish

Sentences :
1. The publisher has brought out a new book.

2. The school magazine will be brought out soon.

3. We shall bring out our next book.

4. We are going to bring out the school magazine very soon.

5. I have brought out a book on our education system.

3. Bring down – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Reduce

Sentences :
1. The Government has failed to bring down the price of diesel.

2. They will bring down the prices of things.

3. The new policy may bring down the price.

4. Bring forth – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Produce
  • Give birth

Sentences :
1. The timely rain brings forth good crops.

2. This tree brings forth good fruits.

3. Science will bring forth a new way of living.

4. Evil deeds bring forth evil results.

5. Our country brings forth jute.

5. Bring in – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Yield
  • Introduce

Sentences :
1. His business brings in good income.

2. The government will bring in a new bill on education.

6. Bring off – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Achieve successfully

Sentence :
1. The skill of Messi brought off Argentina’s spectacular victory.

7. Bring through – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Cure

Sentences :
1. The medicine has brought the patient through.

2. A good doctor brought him through.

3. She was very ill but good treatment brought him through.

8. Bring forward – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Propose something for consideration or discussion

Sentences :
1. The subject was brought forward for discussion in the new meeting.

2. She brought forward good arguments.

9. Bring round – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Restore to consciousness

Sentence :
1. The doctor’s efforts brought the unconscious patient round.

10. Bring on – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Cause

Sentences :
1. Overeating brings on dyspepsia.

2. Lack of sleep brings on health problems.

11. Bring back – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Call to mind
  • Remind

Sentences :
1. This scene brings back many old memories to his mind.

2. This place brings my terrible memory back to my mind.

12. Bring about – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Cause to happen

Sentences :
1. Her folly has brought about her fall.

2. He tried to bring about a quarrel between them.

3. Scientific research has brought about amazing progress in civilization.

4. Arrogance brought about his downfall.

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