Phrasal Verbs with “Carry” – English Vocabulary

English vocabulary is essential to make a sentence. We can’t make any sentence without words. Phrasal verbs are important to improve English Vocabulary.

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6 Vital Phrasal Verbs with CARRY

  1. Carry on
  2. Carry out
  3. Carry away
  4. Carry off
  5. Carry through
  6. Carry over

1. Carry on – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Continue

Sentences :
1. Please carry on your work.
2. He will carry on his studies.
3. The son carried on his father’s business.
4. He is carrying on his business smoothly.
5. I shall carry on the work in your absence.

2. Carry out – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Obey
  • Execute

Sentences :
1. He carried out my orders.
2. You must carry out my order.
3. You should carry out the orders of your superiors.
4. The student carried out the order of his headmaster.
5. It is easy to make a plan but difficult to carry it out.
6. They carried out the order of their leader.
7. Let us carry out his order.

3. Carry away – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Affect emotionally
  • Remove
  • Driven

Sentence :
1. The wounded man was carried away to hospital.
2. He was carried away by the current.
3. We were carried away by his speech.
4. The audience was carried away by his eloquence.
5. Don’t be carried away by passion.

4. Carry off – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Cause death to
  • Win
  • Take away

Sentences :
1. Cholera has carried off one hundred people this year in the village.
2. He carried off all the prizes.
3. COVID-19 carried off thousands of lives.
4. The boy was carried off for ransom.

5. Carry through – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Bring success
  • Execute completely
  • Pass
  • Complete

Sentence :
1. It was not easy to carry through such a gigantic task.
2. His hard labor will carry him through.
3. It is not easy to carry through the project.
4. The Bill was carried through.
5. Only courage carried him through the crisis.
6. They carried the Bill through the parliament,

6. Carry over – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Take forward
  • Postpone

Sentences :
1. The match had to be carried over until Sunday.
2. The amount should be carried over to the next page.


Q. How do you use “Carry out” phrasal verb?

Answer : You can use “Carry out” phrasal verb in a sentence.
For example : You must carry out my order.

Q. What is the meaning of “carry on” and “carry out” ?

Answer : “Carry on” means continue and “Carry out” means obey, execute.

Q. What is an example of “Carry over” ?

Answer : An example of “Carry over” is “The match had to be carried over until Sunday.”

Q. Is Carry out a phrasal verb?

Answer : Yes. “Carry out” is a phrasal verb.

Q. What is a word for carry out?

Answer : You can use the words ‘obey’, and ‘execute’ instead of ‘carry out’.

Q. What is the meaning of ‘carry on’ ?

Answer : The meaning of ‘carry on’ is to continue.

Q. What is the synonym of ‘carry out’ phrasal verb?

Answer : The synonyms of ‘Carry out’ are ‘obey’, and ‘execute’.

Q. What is the past form of “Carry” ?

The past and past participle form of ‘Carry’ is ‘Carried’.

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