Phrasal verbs with COME – English Vocabulary

Phrasal verbs are a vital part of English Vocabulary. We get many phrasal verbs with some verbs such as BRING, BREAK, COME, CALL, CARRY, GO, MAKE, LOOK, RUN, GIVE, PUT, KEEP, etc.

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10 Vital Phrasal Verbs with “Come”

  1. Come across
  2. Come by
  3. Come round
  4. Come of
  5. Come about
  6. Come out
  7. Come down
  8. Come upon
  9. Come up to
  10. Come off

1. Come across – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Meet suddenly
  • Find suddenly

Sentences :
1. I came across my old friend in the market.
2. He came across the blind man on the way.
3. We came across a caravan of camels on the road.
4. She came across her friend in the park.
5. I came across my friend on the way.
6. I came across one of my classmates on the platform of the station.

2. Come by – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Get

Sentences :
1. How did you come by his purse ?
2. By chance she came across some old photographs in the drawer.
3. How did you come by this rare book ?
4. I came by the watch on the road.

3. Come round – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Recover from illness

Sentence :
1. The patient will come round from fever within a week.
2. My grandfather has come round after a prolonged illness.
3. He will come round soon under the treatment of a good physician.
4. Take this medicine and you will come round soon.

4. Come of – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Be born
  • Descend from

Sentences :
1. He comes of a respectable family.
2. She comes of a rich family.

5. Come about – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Happen
  • Occur

Sentences :
1. How did the accident come about ?
2. We don’t know how it came about.
3. Do you know how it came about ?
4. The discovery of penicillin came about accidentally.

6. Come out – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Reveal
  • Publish

Sentences :
1. The result will come out soon.
2. The secret came out at last.
3. A new edition of the book will come out soon.
4. Truth must be come out.

7. Come down – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Decrease
  • Reduce
  • Fall

Sentences :
1. The price of rice has come down.
2. The roof came down suddenly.
3. The prices of things have not yet come down.
4. The rent of the houses has come down.

8. Come upon – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Meet or find suddenly

Sentences :
1. I came upon my old friend in the street corner.
2. She came upon one of my cousins at the village fair.
3. He came upon the advertisement.

9. Come up to – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Be equal to

Sentences :
1. His work did not come up to our expectations.
2. Her result did not come up to our expectations.

10. Come off – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Take place
  • Become separated from something

Sentences :
1. Our annual sports came off yesterday.
2. The marriage ceremony of his sister will come off next Sunday.
3. When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand.


What is the past participle form of “Come” ?

The past participle form of “Come” is ‘Come’.
Come (Present) – Came (Past) – Come (Past participle)

What is the meaning of “Come across” ?

The meaning of the phrasal verb “Come across” is to meet suddenly.

Example :

I came across my old friend on the way.

What is the meaning of “Come by ” ?

The meaning of the phrasal verb “Come by” is to get.

Example :

How did you come by this rare book ?

What is the meaning of “Come round ” ?

The meaning of the phrasal verb “Come round ” is to recover from illness .

Example :

Take this medicine and you will come round soon.

What is the meaning of “Come about ” ?

The meaning of the phrasal verb “Come about” is to happen.

Example :

Do you know how it came about ?

What is the meaning of “Come out ” ?

The meaning of the phrasal verb “Come out ” is to reveal.

Example :

The result will come out soon.

Related Contents :

1. Best book for English Vocabulary (21 Days English Vocabulary Course)
2. Phrasal Verbs with “Call”

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