Phrasal Verbs with GO – English Vocabulary

English Vocabulary plays a vital role in English speaking, and writing. Phrasal verbs are an essential part of English vocabulary.

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17 Vital Phrasal Verbs with “Go”

  1. Go on
  2. Go up
  3. Go through
  4. Go after
  5. Go about
  6. Go ahead
  7. Go by
  8. Go in for
  9. Go against
  10. Go along with
  11. Go down
  12. Go over
  13. Go out
  14. Go without
  15. Go away
  16. Go with
  17. Go back

1. Go on – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Continue

Sentences :
1. I do not know what is going on there.
2. Go on with your studies.
3. Go on with your work.
4. The musical program is still going on.
5. The meeting went on for an hour.
6. The girl went on singing.

2. Go up – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Increase
  • Rise

Sentences :
1. The price of everything is going up there.
2. The cost of living has gone up.
3. The price of rice has gone up.
4. The cost of maintaining a family is gradually going up.
5. Prices are going up daily.

3. Go through – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Read
  • Examine
  • Bear
  • Tolerate

Sentences :
1. Ishan has gone through the novel.
2. He must go through the accounts.
3. Jeet has gone through the book.
4. He has gone through many hardships.
5. I have gone through a lot of suffering.
6. Go through the book carefully.
7. Let me go through your papers.
8. I have gone through the article written by you.

4. Go after – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Chase
  • Follow

Sentences :
1. The police was going after the pickpocket.
2. The dog went after the thief.
3. Girls go after their mother.

5. Go about – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Move about
  • Roam
  • Pass from one person to another

Sentences :
1. The monk went about in the village.
2. He is too weak to go about.
3. The beggar went about around the villages.
4. Many stories about his escape are going about.

6. Go ahead – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Proceed

Sentences :
1. We must go ahead with the program.
2. Go ahead fast.

7. Go by – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • is known by
  • Become past

Sentences :
1. He goes by a false name here.
2. Years have gone by since we met last.
3. He is known by a pseudonym.

8. Go along with – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Agree
  • Accompany

Sentences :
1. I cannot go along with you in this matter.
2. She will go along with her friend.
3. I shall not go along with you in this matter.

9. Go in for – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Participate
  • Sit for

Sentences :
1. She is going in for the Madhyamik Examination this year.
2. She is going in for the NET Examination.

10. Go against – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Oppose

Sentences :
1. She will not go against her father’s wish.
2. This goes against the interests of the people.
3. I don’t like to go against your wish.
4. I can’t go against your will.
5. I cannot go against my mother.
6. Many scientific discoveries go against religious beliefs.

11. Go down – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Descend
  • Fall
  • Decrease
  • Swallow
  • To be remembered

Sentences :
1. The sun has gone down.
2. There is no chance that prices will go down.
3. The price of eggs had gone down.
4. Bhagat Singh will go down in history as a great patriot.
5. The piece of meat will not go down.
6. His name will be gone down in history.

12. Go over – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Change
  • Examine

Sentence :
1. Five of their MPs went over to the ruling party.
2. She went over to the other party.
3. Please go over the accounts.
4. Please go over these figures again.

13. Go out – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Extinguish

Sentences :
1. The light went out at 8 p.m.
2. The lamp went out suddenly.

14. Go without – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Be devoid of

Sentence :
1. He is going without food for two days.
2. She has been gone without food for 3 days.

15. Go away – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Leave the place
  • Depart

Sentences :
1. She has gone away with all her belongings.
2. Abhinandan has gone away from his native village.

16. Go with – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Agree

Sentences :
1. He will not go with us in this matter.

17. Go back – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Return

Sentences :
1. We should go back now.
2. I will go back there tomorrow.
3. THe boy wants to go back to his parents.
4. She went back after her work.
5. As the weather is very bad, we have to go back to the hotel immediately.

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