Phrasal Verbs with KEEP – English Vocabulary

14 Vital Phrasal Verbs with KEEP

  1. Keep up
  2. Keep on
  3. Keep away
  4. Keep off
  5. Keep at
  6. Keep down
  7. Keep in
  8. Keep in with
  9. Keep up with
  10. Keep to
  11. Keep out
  12. Keep back
  13. Keep from
  14. Keep under

1. Keep up – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Maintain
  • Uphold

Sentences :
1. Keep up the prestige of your family.
2. I always try to keep up my reputation as a good teacher.
3. Well done ! Keep it up.
4. Keep up your efforts to do good for the people.
5. I shall keep up the prestige of my family.
6. She kept up old customs.

2. Keep on – Phrasal Verbs

Meanings :

  • Continue
  • Carry on

Sentences :
1. The girl kept on practicing the song.
2. They kept on asking silly questions.
3. She kept on talking with her friend.
4. In spite of being forbidden, he kept on shouting.
5. He kept on ringing the bell.
6. She kept on singing for one hour.
7. He kept on talking nonsense.

3. Keep away – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Be at a distance

Sentences :
1. Keep away from evil company.
2. Keep away from the edge of the pond.
3. Keep away from bad boys.
4. Keep away from fire.
5. Keep away the child from the fire.
6. Keep yourself away from evil company.

4. Keep off – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Keep at a distance
  • Avoid

Sentences :
1. They made a big fire to keep off wild animals.
2. Try to keep yourself off the fireworks.
3. Fire keeps off wild animals.

5. Keep at – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Stick to
  • Stick to with perseverance

Sentences :
1. The girl kept at her mother in the kitchen.
2. The teacher kept us at memorizing the lessons for two hours.
3. He keeps at his duty with vigour.

6. Keep down – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Control
  • Subdue
  • Suppress

Sentences :
1. She could not keep down her anger.
2. The Government is trying to keep down the prices of essential commodities.
3. No difficulties could keep down their spirits.
4. He failed to keep down his anger.
5. Always keep down your anger.

7. Keep in – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Prevent from going out
  • Confine

Sentences :
1. He is kept in by rain.
2. I could not keep in my anger.

8. Keep in with – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Keep good terms
  • Make adjustment

Sentences :
1. I can’t keep in with you any longer.
2. You are getting old and should keep in with your family.

9. Keep up with – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Keep pace with
  • Cope
  • Adjust

Sentences :
1. Try to keep up with the changing world.
2. He should try to keep up with the time.
3. We have to keep ourselves up with the changing society.
4. Try to keep up with the class.
5. One should keep up with new times.
6. Keep up with your new neighbours and environment.

10. Keep to – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Confine
  • Stick to
  • Adhere to

Sentences :
1. Keep to your business.
2. While driving, always keep to the left.
3. Keep your discussion to the main point.
4. Always keep to your word.
5. Keep to your promise by all means.

11. Keep out – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Keep off

Sentences :
1. Keep the child out of the sun.
2. He had a ferocious dog to keep intruders out.
3. I was kept out of business.

12. Keep back – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Hide
  • Hold back
  • Conceal

Sentences :
1. Don’t keep back anything from your parents.
2. I kept back nothing from them.
3. I never kept back anything from you.
4. I shall keep back nothing from you.

13. Keep from – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Remain aloof from
  • Refrain

Sentences :
1. You must keep from such friends.
2. He could not keep from smoking.

14. Keep under – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Control

Sentence :
1. The firemen kept under the fire.

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1. Best book for English Vocabulary (21 Days English Vocabulary Course)
2. Phrasal Verbs with Carry
3. Synonyms
4. Antonyms

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