Phrasal Verbs with LOOK – English Vocabulary

Do you want to improve your English vocabulary ? Phrasal verbs play a vital role in improving English vocabulary. Many English learners want to speak English fluently. But they are suffering from lack of English words. For this reason, they don’t find appropriate words to use.

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15 Important Phrasal Verbs with LOOK

  1. Look after
  2. Look for
  3. Look into
  4. Look down upon
  5. Look through
  6. Look at
  7. Look forward to
  8. Look upon
  9. Look on
  10. Look out
  11. Look over
  12. Look up
  13. Look back
  14. Look ahead
  15. Look to

1. Look after – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Take care of

Sentences :
1. There is none to look after him.
2. Mother looked after her child.
3. Parents look after their children.
4. When my father died, my uncle looked after me.
5. I will look after his boy.
6. There is nobody to look after the old lady.

2. Look for – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Search

Sentences :
1. He is looking for his lost pen.
2. I am looking for a job.
3. Everyone looks for a decent income.
4. Please look for your journal at the post office.
5. Look for the letter in the box.
6. He has been looking for a job for the last four years.
7. She is out to look for a job.

3. Look into – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Examine
  • Investigate

Sentence :
1. I will certainly look into the matter.
2. The teacher is looking into the answer script.
3. I asked him to look into the matter.
4. Let us look into the root cause.
5. An impartial man should look into the matter.

4. Look down upon – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Hate

Sentences :
1. He looks down upon the poor.
2. Do not look down upon the poor.
3. You should not look down upon him.
4. Don’t look down upon him for his bad performances.

5. Look through – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Inspect carefully
  • Examine or read something carefully

Sentences :
1. Our teacher is looking through our answers.
2. Look through each item.
3. The auditor looked through the account.
4. I looked through the applications and selected two of them.
5. I have looked through the book.
6. I shall look through the report later on.

6. Look at – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • See
  • Behold
  • Consider
  • Pay attention to
  • Observe
  • Regard

Sentences :
1. She is looking at the moon.
2. Have you looked at the newspaper ?
3. It depends on how you look at things.
4. Look at the full moon.

7. Look forward to – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Expect eagerly
  • Anticipate something with pleasure
  • Wait eagerly

Sentences :
1. He looks forward to your help.
2. We are looking forward to better days.
3. Despite his present misfortune he is looking forward to a glorious future.
4. We look forward to his visit.
5. I look forward to his return.

8. Look upon – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Consider
  • Regard

Sentence :
1. I look upon him as my best friend.

9. Look on – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Look at indifferently

Sentences :
1. Most of the pedestrians looked on while the crime was committed.
2. Passers-by looked on when a man was murdered.

10. Look out – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Be vigilant

Sentences :
1. The eagle is looking out for prey.
2. The police looked out for the escaped prisoners.

11. Look over – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Examine
  • Inspect
  • Check

Sentences :
1. She has looked over your papers.
2. I looked over the answer scripts.
3. She looked over the accounts.
4. The teacher was looking over the answer scripts.
5. Please look over this application.

12. Look up – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Find out
  • Rise in price

Sentences :
1. Look up the word in the dictionary.
2. The price of goods is looking up nowadays.
3. Prices of all things are looking up every day.
4. Prices of vegetables look up during the rainy season.
5. Look up at Page 20.

13. Look back – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Reminisce

Sentences :
1. Don’t be disappointed by looking back to your past failures.
2. Man often looks back upon their childhood with nostalgia.

14. Look ahead – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Think for future

Sentence :
1. Always look ahead.

15. Look in – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Pay a short visit

Sentences :
1. I shall look in when I pass by his house.
2. The doctor will look in again.

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1. Best book for English Vocabulary (21 Days English Vocabulary Course)
2. Phrasal Verbs with CARRY
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