Phrasal Verbs with MAKE – Meanings, Sentences

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8 Vital Phrasal Verbs with MAKE

  1. Make up
  2. Make out
  3. Make after
  4. Make of
  5. Make off
  6. Make away with
  7. Make for
  8. Make over

1. Make up – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Compensate
  • Decide
  • Resolve
  • Complete
  • Decorate
  • Recover
  • Settle

Sentences :
1. You should make up your loss.
2. He made up his mind to return home.
3. Make up your mind before it is too late.
4. He still needs Rs. 100 to make up the loss.
5. She made up her mind to go there.
6. We made up our quarrel.
7. I must make up for the lost time.
8. I have not yet make up my mind.
9. We need one player more to make up the team.
10. I don’t know how I shall make up your loss.
11. We made up our differences by negotiations.
12. We made up our quarrel.
13. I shall make up my loss in six months.

2. Make out – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Understand

Sentences :
1. I cannot make out the meaning of the passage.
2. I cannot make out what you are saying.
3. I cannot make out what is written here.
4. She could not make out what the teacher was saying.
5. I could not make out what he said.
6. Can you make out what is being announced over the loudspeaker ?
7. I can’t make out your words.
8. I could not make out what he wanted to say.

3. Make after – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Chase

Sentences :
1. The police made after the thief.
2. I made after the thief.
3. The dog made after the hare.
4. The cat made after the rat.

4. Make of – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Compose of
  • Construct with
  • Construct from
  • Manufacture

Sentences :
1. The ornament is made of gold.
2. The cup is made of glass.
3. The house is made of stone.
4. The frame is made of steel.
5. This table is made of teak wood.

5. Make off – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Escape
  • Run away

Sentences :
1. The thief made off with the ornaments.
2. The car made off immediately after causing the accident.
3. The boy made off with my bag.
4. He made off with my watch.

6. Make away with – Meaning and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Kill

Sentences :
1. He made away with himself.
2. He made away with the beast with one blow of his club.
3. The kidnapper made away with the man.

7. Make for – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Move towards
  • Go to a certain direction

Sentences :
1. The ship made for Mumbai.
2. They saw the sailor making for the port.
3. Joining the pilgrims we made for the shrine of Amarnath.
4. The boat made for the sea.

8. Make over – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Transfer
  • Hand over
  • Deliver

Sentences :
1. She has made over the charge to the secretary.
2. This plot of land has been made over to the department of Railways.
3. I made over the charge to him.
4. They made over the entire property to the charitable trust.


What is the past form of “Make” ?

The past form of “Make” is “made”.
Make (Present) – Made (Past) – Made (Past participle)

What is the meaning of “Make out” ?

The meaning of “Make out” is to understand.
Example :
I cannot make out what you are saying.

What are the meanings of “Make up” ?

The meanings of “Make up” are compensate, decide, etc.
Example :
1. You should make up your loss.
2. He made up his mind to return home.

What is the meaning of “Make after” ?

The meaning of “Make after” is to chase.
Example :
The police made after the thief.

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