Phrasal Verbs with PUT

16 Vital Phrasal Verbs with “Put”

  1. Put on
  2. Put off
  3. Put up with
  4. Put out
  5. Put away
  6. Put by
  7. Put down
  8. Put aside
  9. Put up
  10. Put back
  11. Put across
  12. Put about
  13. Put forward
  14. Put forth
  15. Put through
  16. Put in

1. Put on – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Wear
  • Pretend

Sentences :
1. Do not put on dirty clothes.
2. He put on a white shirt.
3. Put on your dress.
4. He puts on an air of innocence.
5. He put on a strange-shaped hat.
6. She put on a new dress.
7. He put on the air of being surprised on hearing the news.
8. Put on your clothes.
9. He put on his new coat.

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2. Put off – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Postpone

Sentences :
1. Put off the proposed meeting.
2. He had to put off his journey.
3. The cricket match has been put off till next Monday.
4. The meeting was put off.
5. He is repeatedly putting off the date of his meeting with me.
6. The bus owners put off their services.
7. Don’t put off your work.
8. The Board meeting has been put off till January.

3. Put up with – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Tolerate

Sentence :
1. Can you put up with such insolence ?
2. No one can put up with such bad manners.
3. I cannot put up with this insult.
4. I cannot put up with such insolence.
5. She could not put up with his cruelty.

4. Put out – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Extinguish

Sentences :
1. Put out the burning candle.
2. Please put out the lamp.
3. He put out the lamp and went to bed.
4. Please put out the lamp before go to bed.

5. Put away – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Leave
  • Confine
  • Keep

Sentences :
1. She put away all ideas of being a doctor.
2. He was put away in a mental hospital.
3. Put away the books on the shelf.

6. Put by – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Lay by
  • Save
  • Preserve

Sentences :
1. Put by something for your old age.
2. I put by some money for the puja vacation.
3. I cannot put by even a rupee from my salary.
4. Put by something for future use.

7. Put down – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Write
  • Suppress

Sentences :
1. Put down your name on the blackboard.
2. The king put down the revolt.
3. The child put down its desire.
4. Put down what I said just now.
5. Put down your name on this paper.
6. Put it down in your diary so that you do not forget it.
7. Put down the beast in you.

8. Put aside – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Save
  • Lay by

Sentences :
1. Put aside some things for the bad time.
2. She has put aside a tidy sum for her retirement.

9. Put up – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Hang up
  • Erect
  • Stay
  • Propose someone for election

Sentences :
1. The headmaster put up a notice.
2. Put up a tent here.
3. Put up a fence round the garden.
4. Put up the notice here.
5. I am putting up with my friend here.
6. Where do you put up in Delhi usually ?
7. The villagers put up a candidate of their own in the upcoming election.
8. They put up a banner across the lane.

10. Put back – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Reschedule a planned event to a later date or time
  • Replace

Sentences :
1. You have to put back the date of the meeting once more.
2. Put back the pen in the proper place.
3. Put back the book when you finish it.

11. Put across – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Communicate successfully
  • Convey

Sentences :
1. She is very good at putting across her views in meetings.
2. He is very good at putting across his ideas.

12. Put about – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Spread rumour or information

Sentence :
1. A rumour has been put about that I am leaving for England.

13. Put forward – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Suggest
  • Propose

Sentences :
1. Three names have been put forward as candidates for the president’s post.
2. He put forward a new idea.

14. Put forth – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Propose
  • Present

Sentence :
1. Joydip put forth a new idea for the project.

15. Put through – Meanings and Sentences

Meaning :

  • Connect by telephone

Sentence :
1. I have put through a phone call to my sister in Mumbai.

16. Put in – Meanings and Sentences

Meanings :

  • Enter a port
  • Pray
  • Submit

Sentences :
1. The ship put in at Mumbai.
2. Rohit has put in an application for leave.
3. He has put in his claim.

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2. Phrasal verbs (9 Questions answered)
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