Phrasal Verbs with SET – English Vocabulary

13 Vital Phrasal Verbs with SET

  1. Set in
  2. Set up
  3. Set off
  4. Set about
  5. Set apart
  6. Set aside
  7. Set against
  8. Set back
  9. Set by
  10. Set forth
  11. Set on
  12. Set out
  13. Set down

1. Set in – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Start
  • Begin and seem likely to continue

Sentences :
1. The rainy season will set in soon.
2. The rain has set in.
3. Evening sets in early in winter.
4. We were late at school as the rain set in.
5. The match set in at 4:00 p.m.
6. The monsoon will set in soon.
7. The winter has set in.

2. Set up – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Establish

Sentences :
1. The villagers have set up a school in the village.
2. They set up a factory.
3. The company has set up several new branches.
4. He has set up many schools, colleges and institutions in the rural area.
5. Her grandfather set up this school about fifty years ago.
6. A university has been set up in this town.

3. Set off – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Begin a journey

Sentences :
1. He set off his journey at dawn.
2. We set off for our boat trip.
3. We are planning to set off tomorrow.

4. Set about – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Begin
  • Start

Sentences :
1. She set about her work early in the morning.
2. He set about constructing the house.
3. My brother set about helping the poor.
4. Set about your work immediately.
5. I must set about my packing tomorrow.

5. Set apart – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Reserve
  • Save

Sentences :
1. I set apart a part of my income for the orphans.
2. A large amount was set apart for the education of children.
3. He used to set apart some portion of his income for religious ceremonies.

6. Set aside – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Save
  • Ignore
  • Reject

Sentences :
1. My father set aside some money for me.
2. Let us set aside all formalities.
3. The High Court set aside the judgement of lower court.
4. He set aside our objection.
5. The judge set aside the petition.

7. Set against – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Oppose

Sentences :
1. Public opinion is setting against the proposal.
2. He set against our line of action.

8. Set back – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Delay or hinder the progress

Sentences :
1. Financial problems set back our plans.
2. The shortage of materials will set the work back.
3. Public opinion is setting back the program.

9. Set by – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Save

Sentences :
1. Set by something for old age.
2. She set by a large sum of money for the future.

10. Set forth – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Start a journey
  • Make known

Sentences :
1. We set forth early in the morning.
2. The mountaineers set forth their expedition from Nepal.
3. The President set forth his views on the subject.
4. The government has set forth its new policies in a statement.
5. He set forth for Kolkata.

11. Set on – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Advance to attack
  • Urge to attack

Sentences :
1. She has been set on by a dog.
2. The angry man set the dog on the boy.
3. The farmer threatened to set his dogs on us.
4. The dog was set on the stranger.

12. Set out – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Begin a journey

Sentences :
1. He set out for Mumbai.
2. They set out early in the morning.
3. He set out at dawn for Kolkata.
4. The picnic party set out early in the morning.
5. My grandmother set out for Vrindavan last week.
6. We set out on our Himalayan expedition.

13. Set down – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Record in writing

Sentences :
1. The police set down my objection.
2. The students were asked to set down their experiences of the railway travel.
3. All the proceedings of the meeting have been set down.

Related Contents :

1. Best book for English Vocabulary (21 Days English Vocabulary Course)
2. Phrasal Verbs with MAKE
3. Phrasal Verbs with TAKE

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