Phrasal Verbs with TAKE – English Vocabulary

16 Vital Phrasal Verbs with TAKE

  1. Take after
  2. Take off
  3. Take down
  4. Take back
  5. Take for
  6. Take up
  7. Take over
  8. Take to
  9. Take out
  10. Take away
  11. Take in
  12. Take on
  13. Take aback
  14. Take against
  15. Take from
  16. Take up with

1. Take after – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Resemble

Sentences :
1. The boy takes after his father.
2. The girl takes after her mother.
3. The son takes after his father in many ways.

2. Take off – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Put off
  • Remove
  • Leave the ground and begin to fly

Sentences :
1. Take off your coat.
2. He took off his hat before he entered the hall.
3. The plane took off and was up in the air in no time.
4. Take off your shirt.
5. The plane took off quite smoothly.
6. The plane took off at midnight.
7. Take off your hat.
8. The plane took off safely.

3. Take down – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Write down
  • Record

Sentence :
1. Take down the note in short.
2. The clerk took down what the witness said.
3. Take down the dictation.
4. He took down the words of the lecture.
5. I have taken down your name and phone number.
6. Take down the notes.

4. Take back – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Withdraw

Sentences :
1. I will never take back my words.
2. I cannot take back my word.

5. Take for – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Consider
  • Mistake in guessing

Sentence :
1. She took him for a saint.
2. I took you for one of the invitees.
3. I took him for my brother.
4. I took him for a doctor.

6. Take up – Phrasal Verbs

Meanings :

  • Undertake
  • Occupy
  • Start
  • Engage
  • Speak or write to somebody about something
  • Adopt something as a hobby

Sentences :
1. He will take up the problem and try to solve it.
2. This work will take up too much time.
3. I shall take up this work soon.
4. He has taken up gardening as his hobby.
5. Let us take the matter up with the principal.
6. He has taken up the piano.
7. Sourav has taken up a job as a teacher.

7. Take over – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Accept
  • Take control
  • Undertake

Sentences :
1. The new officer will take over the charge tomorrow.
2. Mr. Bose took over the charge from his superior officer.
3. The government decided to take over a few sick industries.
4. The new secretary took over the charge.
5. The government took over the sick mills.

8. Take to – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Addict
  • Make a habit

Sentences :
1. He has taken to drinking in his youth.
2. He is taken to smoking.
3. He took to this habit from the native people.

9. Take out – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Extract
  • Remove
  • Lead

Sentences :
1. Take out the aching tooth.
2. They took out a religious procession.

10. Take away – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Snatch
  • Remove

Sentences :
1. The invading army took everything away from them.
2. He took away all that he had given me.
3. Take out the thorns from the path.

11. Take in -Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Understand
  • Cheat

Sentences :
1. The student took in the point made by the teacher.
2. Do you take in its meaning ?
3. I cannot take in its meaning of the passage.
4. Don’t let anyone to take you in with false promise.

12. Take on – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Take charge
  • Undertake

Sentences :
1. With promotion you will have to take on more responsibilities.
2. Take on extra work to please your boss.

13. Take aback – Phrasal Verb

Meanings :

  • Shock
  • Surprise

Sentence :
1. I was taken aback by his rudeness.

14. Take against – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Dislike

Sentence :
1. Why did you suddenly take against him ?

15. Take from – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Weaken

Sentence :
1. His fault has taken from his position.

16. Take up with – Phrasal Verb

Meaning :

  • Be friendly

Sentence :
1. Don’t take up with bad boys.

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