Syllable in English Grammar

What is a Syllable ? Examples

A syllable is a word or a part of a word that is pronounced without any interruption. A syllable must have at least one vowel.

For example :
“Pencil” (Pen-cil) is a word.
In this word, “pen” is a syllable that can be pronounced without any interruption. “cil” is also a syllable that can be pronounced without any interruption.

Classification of Words based on Syllable count

Words can be classified into four types based on syllable count :

  1. Monosyllabic word
  2. Disyllabic word
  3. Trisyllabic word
  4. Polysyllabic word

What is a Monosyllabic word ? Examples

A monosyllabic word is a word that consists of only one syllable.
Some examples of monosyllabic words are :

  1. Do
  2. Go
  3. Eat
  4. See
  5. Read
  6. Pen
  7. Cat
  8. Dog
  9. Book
  10. Sun
  11. Tree
  12. Cap
  13. Hut
  14. Buy
  15. No

The words given above are monosyllabic words. They can be pronounced without any interruption. They have vowels.

What is a Disyllabic word ? Examples

A disyllabic word is a word that consists of two syllables.
Some examples of disyllabic words are :

  1. Beauty (Beau-ty)
    “Beauty” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Beau” and “ty” are syllables.
  2. Today (To-day)
    “Today” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “To” and “Day” are syllables.
  3. Window (Win-dow)
    “Window” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Win” and “dow” are syllables.
  4. Pencil (Pen-cil)
    “Pencil” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Pen” and “cil” are syllables.
  5. Teacher (Tea-cher)
    “Teacher” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Tea” and “cher” are syllables.
  6. Sister (Sis-ter)
    “Sister” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Sis” and “ter” are syllables.
  7. Picture (Pic-ture)
    “Picture” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Pic” and “ture” are syllables.
  8. Winter (Win-ter)
    “Winter” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Win” and “ter” are syllables.
  9. Doctor (Doc-tor)
    “Doctor” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Doc” and “tor” are syllables.
  10. Picnic (Pic-nic)
    “Picnic” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Pic” and “nic” are syllables.

What is a Trisyllabic word ? Examples

A trisyllabic word is a word that consists of three syllables.
Some examples of trisyllabic words are :

  1. Beautiful (Beau-ti-ful)
    “Beautiful” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Beau”, “ti” and “ful” are syllables.
  2. Hospital (Hos-pi-tal)
    “Hospital” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Hos”, “pi” and “tal” are syllables.
  3. Popular (Po-pu-lar)
    “Popular” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Po”, “pu” and “lar” are syllables.
  4. Condition (Con-di-tion)
    “Condition” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Con”, “di” and “tion” are syllables.
  5. Coconut (Co-co-nut)
    “Coconut” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Co”, “co” and “nut” are syllables.
  6. Banana (Ba-na-na)
    “Banana” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Ba”, “na” and “na” are syllables.

What is a Polysyllabic word ? Examples

A polysyllabic word is a word that consists of more than three syllables.
Some examples of polysyllabic words are :

  1. Television (Te-le-vi-sion)
    “Television” is a polysyllabic word consisting of four syllables. In this word, “Te”, “le”, “vi” and “sion” are syllables.
  2. Satisfaction (Sa-tis-fac-tion)
    “Satisfaction” is a polysyllabic word consisting of four syllables. In this word, “Sa”, “tis”, “fac” and “tion” are syllables.
  3. Multipurpose (Mul-ti-pur-pose)
    “Multipurpose” is a polysyllabic word consisting of four syllables. In this word, “Mul”, “ti”, “pur” and “pose” are syllables.
  4. Economy (E-co-no-my)
    “Economy” is a polysyllabic word consisting of four syllables. In this word, “E”, “co”, “no” and “my” are syllables.


Syllables in “Water”

“Water” (Wa-ter) has two syllables. “Water” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Wa” and “ter” are syllables.

Syllables in “Teacher”

“Teacher” (Tea-cher) has two syllables. “Teacher” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Tea” and “cher” are syllables.

Syllables in “Banana”

The word “Banana” (Ba-na-na) has three syllables. “Banana” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Ba”, “na” and “na” are syllables.

Syllables in “Mango”

“Mango” (Man-go) has two syllables. “Mango” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Man” and “go” are syllables.

Syllables in “Beautiful”

“Beautiful” (Beau-ti-ful) is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Beau”, “ti” and “ful” are syllables.

Syllables in “Vacation”

“Vacation” (Va-ca-tion) is a trisyllabic word consisting of three syllables. In this word, “Va”, “ca” and “tion” are syllables.

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