What is a Syllable ? Examples
A syllable is a word or a part of a word that is pronounced without any interruption. A syllable must have at least one vowel.
For example :
“Pencil” (Pen-cil) is a word.
In this word, “pen” is a syllable that can be pronounced without any interruption. “cil” is also a syllable that can be pronounced without any interruption.
Classification of Words based on Syllable count
Words can be classified into four types based on syllable count :
- Monosyllabic word
- Disyllabic word
- Trisyllabic word
- Polysyllabic word
What is a Monosyllabic word ? Examples
A monosyllabic word is a word that consists of only one syllable.
Some examples of monosyllabic words are :
- Do
- Go
- Eat
- See
- Read
- Pen
- Cat
- Dog
- Book
- Sun
- Tree
- Cap
- Hut
- Buy
- No
The words given above are monosyllabic words. They can be pronounced without any interruption. They have vowels.
What is a Disyllabic word ? Examples
A disyllabic word is a word that consists of two syllables.
Some examples of disyllabic words are :
- Beauty (Beau-ty)
“Beauty” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Beau” and “ty” are syllables. - Today (To-day)
“Today” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “To” and “Day” are syllables. - Window (Win-dow)
“Window” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Win” and “dow” are syllables. - Pencil (Pen-cil)
“Pencil” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Pen” and “cil” are syllables. - Teacher (Tea-cher)
“Teacher” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Tea” and “cher” are syllables. - Sister (Sis-ter)
“Sister” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Sis” and “ter” are syllables. - Picture (Pic-ture)
“Picture” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Pic” and “ture” are syllables. - Winter (Win-ter)
“Winter” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Win” and “ter” are syllables. - Doctor (Doc-tor)
“Doctor” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Doc” and “tor” are syllables. - Picnic (Pic-nic)
“Picnic” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Pic” and “nic” are syllables.
What is a Trisyllabic word ? Examples
A trisyllabic word is a word that consists of three syllables.
Some examples of trisyllabic words are :
- Beautiful (Beau-ti-ful)
“Beautiful” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Beau”, “ti” and “ful” are syllables. - Hospital (Hos-pi-tal)
“Hospital” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Hos”, “pi” and “tal” are syllables. - Popular (Po-pu-lar)
“Popular” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Po”, “pu” and “lar” are syllables. - Condition (Con-di-tion)
“Condition” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Con”, “di” and “tion” are syllables. - Coconut (Co-co-nut)
“Coconut” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Co”, “co” and “nut” are syllables. - Banana (Ba-na-na)
“Banana” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Ba”, “na” and “na” are syllables.
What is a Polysyllabic word ? Examples
A polysyllabic word is a word that consists of more than three syllables.
Some examples of polysyllabic words are :
- Television (Te-le-vi-sion)
“Television” is a polysyllabic word consisting of four syllables. In this word, “Te”, “le”, “vi” and “sion” are syllables. - Satisfaction (Sa-tis-fac-tion)
“Satisfaction” is a polysyllabic word consisting of four syllables. In this word, “Sa”, “tis”, “fac” and “tion” are syllables. - Multipurpose (Mul-ti-pur-pose)
“Multipurpose” is a polysyllabic word consisting of four syllables. In this word, “Mul”, “ti”, “pur” and “pose” are syllables. - Economy (E-co-no-my)
“Economy” is a polysyllabic word consisting of four syllables. In this word, “E”, “co”, “no” and “my” are syllables.
Syllables in “Water”
“Water” (Wa-ter) has two syllables. “Water” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Wa” and “ter” are syllables.
Syllables in “Teacher”
“Teacher” (Tea-cher) has two syllables. “Teacher” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Tea” and “cher” are syllables.
Syllables in “Banana”
The word “Banana” (Ba-na-na) has three syllables. “Banana” is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Ba”, “na” and “na” are syllables.
Syllables in “Mango”
“Mango” (Man-go) has two syllables. “Mango” is a disyllabic word. In this word, “Man” and “go” are syllables.
Syllables in “Beautiful”
“Beautiful” (Beau-ti-ful) is a trisyllabic word as it consists of three syllables. In this word, “Beau”, “ti” and “ful” are syllables.
Syllables in “Vacation”
“Vacation” (Va-ca-tion) is a trisyllabic word consisting of three syllables. In this word, “Va”, “ca” and “tion” are syllables.