Alphabet : Letters : Vowels : Consonants : Semi-vowels

Alphabet, Letter, Vowel, Consonant, and Semi-Vowel are common terms to us. There are 26 letters in English alphabet. What is Alphabet in the English grammar? In English grammar, an alphabet is a set of letters. It includes 26 letters (A – Z). All 26 letters together are called the Alphabet. How many letters are there … Read more

Antonyms – Opposite Words (A-Z)

Antonyms Opposite words

Antonyms and Synonyms are vital to speak English. English Vocabulary is essential for every English learner. It’s necessary to learn more and more words. Antonyms are also known as opposite words. Antonyms play a crucial role in English speaking, writing, etc. Buy My E-book : 21 Days English Vocabulary Course to speak English fluently What … Read more