Tara by Mahesh Dattani – Title

Significance of the title of the play “Tara” by Mahesh Dattani

The title of Mahesh Dattani’s play “Tara” is very significant. This play is all about the sad tale of an Indian girl named Tara who is born in an Indian middle-class family. She is a Siamese twin, born conjoined as one body with her brother Chandan. Unfortunately, The Siamese twins have three legs, one of which belongs to Tara as the blood supply comes to this leg from her body. A surgical operation is to be done on the twins to separate them from each other. But under the instruction of Bharati and her father, that leg is cut from Tara’s body to ensure that the male child Chandan gets two healthy legs. In Tara’s case, the discrimination against her begins right from the time of surgery. Dr. Thakkar takes bribe from the guardians, sells out his conscience and ethical values and does the operation that results in Tara’s untimely death.

Tara’s life is full of problems from the beginning. She passes through double misfortunes; first, she is a handicapped from birth, and secondly, she is a victim of gender discrimination. Even her mother, herself a woman, wants to see her son Chandan live a healthy life at the cost of her daughter’s sufferings. Though Bharati, Tara’s mother, soon repents for the injustice she has done to her daughter and does many things to alleviate Tara’s sufferings, but the wound is too deep to be healed. For, the damage caused to Tara is much more psychological than physical.

Tara is ridiculed by her classmates at school as she is limp, caused by her artificial limp. Even some girls in her neighbourhood behave with her improperly. She is mentally tortured by her neighbours Prema, Nalini, and Roopa. Roopa calls her “a real freak of Nature.” Mr. Patel does not want her to pursue higher studies in a college though Tara is more energetic and talented than her brother. He urges his son Chandan to get admission into a college. This incident is an example of gender discrimination. Ultimately, it is his brother Chandan who comes to rescue her. He insists that Tara must study like him in a college.

Thus “Tara”, a two-act play by Mahesh Dattani, questions the role of the society that treats the children born in the same womb in two different ways. When Tara learns about the role of her mother and grandfather as regards the operation, she is terribly shocked and devastated. Her soul bleeds in agony and finally she dies. Tara is sacrificed because she is a girl and therefore she is not allowed to have a better life than her brother. The uncomfortable issues that Mahesh Dattani discusses in his play “Tara” are about the helplessness of women in society. In some places, girls like Tara do not twinkle in the Indian sky because they are not allowed to shine. The play reveals the struggle of a disabled girl. So, the title of the play is quite appropriate.


Is Mahesh Dattani’s “Tara” a tragedy?

Yes. Mahesh Dattani’s “Tara” is a tragedy. This play reveals the struggle of a disabled girl. This play is all about the sad tale of an Indian girl named Tara who is born in an Indian middle-class family. She is a sufferer of gender discrimination in her own house and this discrimination is done by her mother and grandfather. She and her brother can be separated by a surgical operation. But under the instructions of her mother and grandfather, Dr. Thakkar cuts Tara’s leg so that her brother could get two healthy legs. This causes Tara’s untimely death. Tara’s untimely death is the result of this gender discrimination. So, Mahesh Dattani’s “Tara” is a tragic play.

Who is Patel in Tara?

Mr. Patel is Tara’s father.

What is the significance of Dr Thakkar in Tara?

In Mahesh Dattani’s play “Tara”, Dr. Thakkar takes bribe from the guardians of Tara, sells out his conscience and ethical values, and does the operation that results in Tara’s untimely death. The Siamese twins have three legs, one of which belongs to Tara as the blood supply comes to this leg from her body. A surgical operation is to be done on the twins to separate them from each other. Under the instruction of Tara’s mother Bharati and Tara’s grandfather, that leg is cut from Tara’s body to ensure that the male child Chandan gets two healthy legs. There is no question about Dr. Thakkar’s efficiency in surgery. But the question is about his honesty, and ethical values.

Read :
Tara by Mahesh Dattani – Summary

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