Use of Capital Letters – A to Z

There are 26 letters in English Alphabet. We can write them as Capital Letters as well as small letters. Capital letters are also known as uppercase letters. Small letters are also known as lowercase letters.

List of Capital letters – A to Z

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Use of CAPITAL LETTERS – A to Z : Rules, Examples

  1. The first letter of any person’s name will be a Capital letter.
    For example,
    Sourav, Akash, Debabrata, Puja, Durga, Bibhash etc.
  2. The first letter of any person’s title or surname will be a Capital letter.
    For example,
    Surname : Saha, Ganguly, Modi, Gandhi, Tendulkar, Ghosh, Bose, etc.
    Title : Professor Bose, Captain Kartik, Dr. Devi Shetty, etc.
  3. The pronoun ‘I’ will be in the Capital letter.
    For example,
    a) I am a student.
    b) What can I do ?
  4. A capital letter is used to begin a sentence. The first letter of a sentence will be a capital letter.
    For example,
    a) They are playing football.
    b) We went to school.
    c) What is your name ?
  5. The first letter of the name of a place will be a capital letter.
    For example,
    Kolkata, London, Mumbai, Chennai, etc.
  6. Capital letters are used for the names of the days of the week, and months of the year. The first letters of the days and months will be Capital letters.
    For example,
    Days of the week : Sunday, Thursday, Friday, etc.
    Months : January, April, May, December, etc.
  7. The first letter of a festival will be a capital letter.
    For example,
    Diwali, Christmas, etc.
  8. Capital letters are used for the names countries, and languages. The first letter of a Country and a language will be a Capital letter.
    For example,
    Country : India, China, Bangladesh, Japan, Nepal, etc.
    Language : English, Hindi, Bengali, Spanish, etc.
  9. The first letter of a religion will be a Capital letter.
    For example,
    Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.
  10. Sometimes we can use Capital letters for headings, titles of books, articles, etc, and headlines of newspapers.
    For example,
    a) ROBINSON CRUSOE ( Title of a book)
  11. Capital letters are used for the names of vehicles. The first letter of a Ship, train, etc. will be a capital letter.
    For example,
    The Titanic, The Rajdhani Express, etc.
  12. Capital letters are used for abbreviations and acronyms.
    For example,
    B. A. (Bachelor of Arts)
    WHO (World Health Organisation)
    ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)


Do we use capital letters in English?

Yes, we use Capital letters in English. There are some cases where we use Capital letters. Capital letters are used to begin a sentence. The first letter of a person’s name and surname will be Capital letter.

When should we use capital letters ?

We shouldn’t use capital letters in all places. Capital letters are less used than small letters. There are some rules for using capital letters.
For example,

  • The first letter of a person’s name and title will be a capital letter.
  • The first letter of a sentence will be a capital letter.
  • The pronoun ‘I’ will be in the capital letter.
  • The first letter of the name of a place will be in the capital letter.

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